Why Gurukul?
The knowledge about the subjects and rituals were given as per the talent and interest of the children in the gurukuls of our country.
Sanatan culture- "the way of living the life of the entire human race" is also called the mother of all the present religions, civilization, creed, community, etc. Sanatan culture is the only heritage whose Vedas, Texts, Poems, Epics, Upanishads etc. give us information about the entire universe (solar system) with the Earth, about the number of hours and mysteries that happened in millions of years ago (Satyuga, Treta, Dwapara and Kaliyuga).
After Aryavarta's Gurukul, it is necessary to know what was studied in Rishikul. Not only Sanskrit, but education and learning of all the subjects listed below were given in the gurukul: -
- Metallurgy
- Flight
- Navigation
- Space Science
- Environment
- Solar Study
- Lunar Study
- Weather Forecast
- Battery
- Solar Energy
- DayNight
- Space Research
- Astronomy
- Geography
- Time
- Geology Mining
- Gems & Metals
- Gravity
- Solar Energy
- Communication
- Plane
- Water Vessels
- Arms & Ammunition
- Zoology Botany
- Material Sic
All these subjects listed above were about scientific knowledge. Now let's talk about professional and technical education!
- Commerce
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry
- Bird Keeping
- Animal Training
- Mechanics
- Vehicle Designing
- Gems
- Jewellery Designing
- Textile
- Pottery
- Metallurgy
- Paramedical
- Dying
- Horticulture
- Logistics
- Architect
- Cooking
- Driving
- Water Management
- Data Entry
- Animal Husbandry
- Horticulture

All these teachings were taught in Gurukul, but with time the Gurukul disappeared and the learning also disappeared! Today, the future of the youth of our country is being destroyed by the Macaulay Education System. There is a need for the salvation of the Gurukul. We have to work on the roots, good fruits will start coming in automatically.
We all know how the remaining Gurukuls ended after the Mughal period in India. Convent schools have ruined our future by giving children Western Culture. Our children have started speaking Daddy and Mummy to their parents. It was a very wonderful ritual of our society that everyone started their day by taking blessings from the elders. This was the education of Gurukul and that of our country.
The devotees and gurus of our country composed the Vedas, texts, poems, epics, Upanishads which were also taught in Gurukul. Due to the British conspiracy, even today our children are unaware of our vedic learning.

In 1858, the Indian Education Act was enacted which was drafted by Lord Macaulay. Even before that many Britishers had given their report about the education system of India which is still present in the British Library.
The British officers G.W. Luther and Thomas Munro surveyed different areas at different times. Luther, who surveyed North India, wrote that there is 97% literacy and Munro, who surveyed South India, wrote that there is 100% literacy here.
Macaulay was clear that if India were to be enslaved forever, its "native and cultural education system" would have to be completely demolished and replaced by the "English education system" and only then Indians will be born as Indians but britishers by mind and after leaving the university of the country, they will work in our interest.

Macaulay said: - "Just as a field is fully plowed before planting a crop, India also needs to be plowed to bring the English education system. Therefore, he first declared the Gurukuls illegal. When the Gurukuls became illegal, the culture imparted in gurukul was also considered illegal. Then Sanskrit was outlawed and the Gurukuls of this country came to an end. He set them on fire, beated the gurus teaching in it and put them in jail.
Every village had a GuruKul and we had a good number of Universities for higher education, all of them were considered as' Higher Learning Institutes'. It means every village had one Gurukul. All subjects were taught in them which was run by Gurukul community members. Children of both Raja and Ranka were given the right to education and it is a matter of happiness that technology education was mainly provided to the people of Shudra varna.
In the field of medicine, the highly educated surgeons were from our country. Unfortunately, in 1881, the British surveyed these technically skilled people and endowed them under a scheme of backward caste (OBC, SC, ST etc.), putting a break in their skills and perseverance so that our Indian development stops.
About 170 years ago, India used to trade (export) 33% of the demand for goods all over the world. India was the world's number one trader who used to bring iron from abroad by exporting iron, cloth, spices and medicines. That is why the British used to call us gold birds.
Education was imparted free of charge in the gurukuls, where Krishna of the royal family and Sudama of the poor family were studying together in the same gurukula. All these types of Gurukuls were abolished and the English education was declared legal. After which the first convent school was opened in Calcutta. At that time it was called 'Free School'. Under this law, Calcutta University, Mumbai University, Madras University was created in India at the time of slavery which are still in the country!
Macaulay wrote a letter to his father, it was a very famous letter, in which he wrote that: "In these convent schools, there will be children who will be Indian in sight but British in mind and they will know nothing about the India Culture, traditions, idioms and education. He mentioned that “it's okay if Britishers leave this country but our traditions and education system should remain in the country”.
The truth of the letter written at that time is now clearly visible in our country and we feel ashamed in speaking our language. We have become inferior in ourselves, who are ashamed to speak their mother language. You should know that most of the developed countries like China, Japan, France, Israel, Russia etc. provide education and research in their mother tongue and not in the language of the other country.
People argue that English is the international language. There are 204 countries in the world and English language is spoken, read and understood in only 12 countries, then how is this international language where they have only one word to tell our dozens of relationships- “Uncle”. The Bible that these Britishers had was not written in English language and also the Lord Christ did not speak English. The language of Christ and the language of the Bible was “Aramaic”. The script of the Aramaic language was similar to that in our Bengali language. That language became extinct in the period of time.
The language of the United Nations is not English, all the work there is done in French. A society that is cut off from its mother tongue is never good and that was Macaulay's strategy! In which he has almost won because today's young India has less public knowledge than the glorious past of India. They consider Indian culture to be fraudulent and mimic westernized countries. Sanatan supports wrong ideology not knowing the prominence and features of religion.

All Indians should know about eternal culture. Because religion only teaches us national socialism, inspires us to give up life for our parents, gurus and the nation. Sanatan Dharma is a spiritual science and the science that we all know today is a much richer science than spirituality.
Divine Play School suggestion is - We will have to wake up now because the first duty of our life is humanity and national religion, so to improve the education system of government and private schools, we will have to intervene and cooperate as well as search for skilled and unemployed youth.
With the help of people who have a sense of service to the nation, an additional teacher (Guru) in the schools currently running will have to be reinstated by the village / mohalla and the burden of their salary will have to be collected from the society. So that those teachers (gurus) motivate all students in addition to the subject matter, moral knowledge, nationality, intellectualism making our child self-reliant after studying.

The task is difficult but not impossible. Our children will no longer have to study for degrees or marks, but will become intelligent, skillful and self-reliant. We will give them all the technical qualifications till 12th class and make them self-sufficient. They have to become experts by providing higher education.
We will suggest the government to improve the curriculum up to 12th, in which subjects, things and technical education / research, nationality, moral science, yoga, intellectual development, natural medicine and Ayurvedic medicine should be studied so that every student knows his life's purpose and cooperates to make the country self-reliant.